JPI HDHL welcomes applications for the position of chair

Application Chair position
Do you want to be part of a country driven initiative that is committed to making our societies more healthy and sustainable?

After being involved with the JPI HDHL for many years in various roles, Martijntje Bakker will step down as chair in the first half of 2020.

We are therefore looking for candidates for the position of chair, who are enthusiastic about taking the JPI HDHL forward.

In the Joint Programming Initiative a Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL) 26 countries work together to align research programming and fund new research in the area of food, nutrition, health and physical activity, to prevent or minimise diet-related chronic diseases. While the focus of the JPI HDHL is on healthy diets, it works from a systems perspective and collaborates closely with other actors and initiatives from different parts of the food system.

The role of chair entails leading the meeting of the Management Board, being an ambassador for the JPI HDHL and fostering strategic relations. Our ideal chair would therefore have a demonstrable passion for nutrition and health research, experience with governance and connecting research and policy, and the ability to cultivate cooperation and trust.

Are you interested in the position of chair of the JPI HDHL, or do you know someone who might be? Please read the full vacancy text for more information. We are happy to receive applications with a (short) motivation and CV till the 21st of November 2019.
