CSA Fit4Food

The Fit4Food2030 is a Horizon 2020 Coordination and support Action (CSA) that started on 1 November 2017 and lasts three years. The consortium expired in December 2020 whereafter the European Commission published the end report.
The FIT4FOOD consortium aimed to support the development and implementation of the Eueopean Commission (EC) Food2030 initiative establishing a sustainable, multi-stakeholder, multi-level (cities, regions, countries, and Europe) platform – the so called "FOOD2030 Platform", that will support the EC to further develop and implement the FOOD 2030 policy framework and its action plan.
The consortium was coordinated by the Athena Institute of the VU University Amsterdam and included many of the leading organizations in public and public-private Research and Innovation policy (programming) on Food and Nutrition Security in Europe, and in Responsible Research and Innovation. JPI HDHL – through its secretariat at ZonMw - was one of the WP leader within the consortium, responsible for the Policy labs and the European Think Thank.
Besides JPI HDHL, JPI OCEANS and FACCE JPI were also involved in the consortium as part of the collaboration between the three Joint Programming Initiatives around the Food & Nutrition Security challenge.
Policy Labs
The FIT4FOOD Policy Labs aligned research and innovation policies and programs on FNS to build on and expand existing national and regional networks and aimed to increase the impact of R&I on the transformation toward a future-proof food system. A R&I Policy lab handbook was created to explore and understand the food system, to work with a community on transforming the food system, and to improve R&I policy coherence and alignment. The Policy lab handbook can be used as guideline for setting up a policy lab and to help solve challenges during the process.
Think Tank
Furthermore, the EU Think Tank was created to support the development and implementation of an integrated vision for EU food systems and the needed transformation in R&I to deliver impact on the societal challenges of FNS. FIT4FOOD2030 looked at the way R&I was being done and found evidence that it was more effective when a wide diversity of people from society were consulted, which is also called ‘responsible research and innovation’ (RRI). To show how public R&I funders can meet the increased expectations to deliver research that has societal and economic impact, a RRI guideline for funders was developed.
Want to know more?
More information on the project's journey can be found on the Fit4Food website.