European Federation of Food Science & Technology

The European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) facilitates knowledge and technology exchange among food professionals.
The European Federation of Food Science & Technology organisations, linked to the International Council for Science (ICSU) of the United Nations (UN).
Food for all in a changing world is EFFoST's vision. Therefore EFFoST aims to:
- Provide a sound and independent European platform for all food professionals (students, researchers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, consumers) for the enhancement of food science and technology.
- Interact and form alliances with all related disciplines and bodies in food and associated sectors to efficiently speed up the needed changes
- Address the needs of professionals, such as job opportunities for young scientists, innovation pathways for SME’s, transparent and clear expert knowledge for consumers etc.
- Create a European network for knowledge transfer and revealing the rich and diverse European food culture and the contribution to global value chains.