European Technology Platform 'Food for Life'

About ETP Food for Life
European Technology Platforms (ETPs) are industry-led stakeholder fora recognised by the European Commission as key actors in driving innovation, knowledge transfer and European competitiveness.
ETPs develop research and innovation agendas and roadmaps for action at EU and national level to be supported by both private and public funding. They mobilise stakeholders to deliver on agreed priorities, share information across the EU and help deliver solutions to major challenges of key concern to citizens.
ETP ‘Food for Life’: Vision and Mission
The Food for Lifes vision is to step-change the innovation power and impact of the European food industry to the benefit of a sustainable society.
Their mission is to deliver a pre-competitive research strategy and ensure a collaborative approach in the execution of the implementation agenda for the European food industry, targeted towards:
- A sustainable food supply, including food processing, new technologies, and consumer acceptance through a food chain approach
- The prevention of the rise in non-communicable diseases, focusing on nutrition and behaviour changes
To achieve this they aim to deliver:
- A platform for quicker and more effective, consumer-oriented food innovation, by enabling the appropriate environment for pre-competitive research and competitive consortium establishment;
- A forum for ensuring an effective multidisciplinary/integrating approach and exchange of best practices;
- An effective means of generating and leveraging funding;
- Better education and training of persons in various disciplines;
- Durable career opportunities within the European food and drink sector.
About Food Drink Europe
FoodDrinkEurope's mission is to facilitate the development of an environment in which all European food and drink companies, whatever their size, can meet the needs of consumers and society, while competing effectively for sustainable growth.
FoodDrinkEurope’s contribution is based on sound scientific research, robust data management and effective communication, working within the regulatory framework to ensure that all food and drink issues are dealt with in a holistic manner. FoodDrinkEurope coordinates the work of more than 700 experts though its Committees and Expert Groups around four themes: food and consumer policy (food safety and science, nutrition and health), environmental sustainability and competitiveness. Through these Committees and Expert Groups, Europe’s food and drink manufacturers provide broad and in-depth expertise. They contribute to FoodDrinkEurope positions on key issues which, once approved, are communicated to European and international decision-makers with a view to shaping legislative and non-legislative developments impacting on the industry.