HDHL Early Career Network (ECN) hosted its first webinar

On Monday, 15th April 2024, the HDHL Early Career Network (ECN) organised a webinar for its members on “writing (successful) applications for funding” followed by a Q&A session.
Assistant Professor Tom Deliens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium), a partner in the HDHL I-PREGNO-project, gave an insightful presentation on this topic. He explained the difference between grant and paper writing and highlighted key points of focus when applying for grants. He shared his best tips and tricks, derived from own experiences and other sources.
His enthusiasm, stories, and clear examples inspired the 15 ECN members attending. The Q&A session was dynamic with loads of questions and helpful answers. Fingers crossed for successful grant applications by the ECN members in the future!
Interested in joining the HDHL ECN? Find more info here.