Steering Committee

The steering committee consists of the Management Board (MB) independent chair, vice chair and elected MB members. It deals with daily and urgent issues on behalf of the MB and is the linking pin between the MB and the secretariat as well as the MB.


Béatrice Morio foto

Béatrice Morio

Chair of the Management Board
beatrice.morio [at]

Bio: Béatrice Morio-Liondore is research director at INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment). She holds a PhD in physiology and conducts since then translational researchs in nutrition and physical activity. She led a team on obesity prevention within the Human Nutrition Unit in Clermont-Ferrand. She then joined the CarMeN laboratory (Cardio-Metabolism, Diabetes and Nutrition) in Lyon to work on the molecular mechanisms contributing to type 2 diabetes. Involved in expert missions in France and internationally, she is a member of the Expert Committee on nutrition of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) and president of the French Society of Nutrition (SFN).


Mona Gravningen Rygh

The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
mgr [at]

Country: Norway

Bio: Mona Gravningen Rygh is Special Adviser at The Research Council of Norway (RCN), Department for food and bioeconomy. Her responsibility areas are the Food System, Food Safety and, in particular, Food and Health. This includes funding, policy and strategy related work both nationally and internationally. She is M.Sc. in molecular cell biology. She has been a science journalist and editor of different Norwegian research magazines. For several years, she was Director of Communications in the RCN.


Oliver Mayer

oliver.mayer [at]

Country: Austria

Bio: Oliver Mayer works as Scientific Officer in the Life Sciences Unit of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF). After he finished his PhD (molecular biology) he worked at Universities as scientist and later on in the areas of project and research management and in science-communication agencies. At the BMBWF he is responsible for national and international activities in the areas of life-science and medical research as well as research strategy- or policy-development. Currently Oliver is the Austrian representative in the governing boards of two Joint Programming Initiatives (A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life as Management Board and Steering Committee Member; Neurodegenerative Diseases as Management Board Member) and in the Assembly of Members of the Biobanking ESFRI-Infrastructure (BBMRI-ERIC). On national level he is for example member of the Advisory Board for Rare Diseases


Hendrik de Ruyck

hendrik.deruyck [at]

Country: Belgium

Bio: Dr. ir. Hendrik De Ruyck, Scientific Expert/Research Group Leader Chemical Food Safety and Product Quality and Innovation, coordinates international, national and regional (Flemish) funded research projects about Chemical Food Safety and Product Quality and Innovation during 34 years at ILVO in Flanders in Belgium. He is Bio-Engineer and food technologist, and obtained a PhD on applied biological sciences in Ghent University with an expertise in analytical LC and GC-MS techniques.

He was and is actively participating in many FP7 and H2020 European networking projects such as ERA-nets SUSFOOD1 and SUSFOOD2, HDHL-INTIMIC, SusCrop and FOSC; JPI HDHL, and the Green ERA-Hub and the HE Partnership ERA4Health with functions as deputy coordinator, WP leader and task leader for tasks concerning communication, stakeholder involvement, project evaluation, impact assessment and science-policy interface. Hendrik represent also Belgium in the Management Board of JPI HDHL and the SCAR SWG on food systems.


Nastasia Belc

nastasia.belc [at]

Country: Romania


Alvija Šalaševičienė

alvija.salaseviciene [at]

Country: Lithuania

Bio: Alvija is currently director of the Food institute at Kaunas University of Technology. She is a member of the SCAR FOOD SYSTEM working group as a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania. She is leader of National Food System policy lab within the JPI project FIT4Food2030 framework. Furthermore, she is a scientific expert – member at Research and Innovation Council of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania. Lastly, she is a global auditor of BRC and FSSC Food schemes Expert of the Centre for Quality assessment in Higher education as education programme designer and expert.