In February 2016, 14 countries launched the first ERA-HDHL Cofunded joint call for funding multilateral research projects on “Biomarkers for nutrition and health”. This Joint Action funded 12 projects that started in the beginning of 2017 for about 3 years.
Who can apply
A more complete understanding of the relationships between nutrition and health is central to deliver the vision of the JPI HDHL. However, the challenge of establishing these relationships is increased by the difficulties of accurately and objectively establishing dietary intake, nutritional status and the long-term trajectory from health to disease. As “characteristics that are objectively measured and evaluated as indicators of an exposure, biological process, or state of a biological system”, biomarkers can play a crucial role in addressing these difficulties and therefore in developing our understanding how health is related to nutrition. Numerous national and international authorities have presented general concepts for identification of biomarkers of disease. However, clear recommendations on biomarkers of nutrition and health are lacking. Reliable biomarkers or biomarker patterns will be crucial in monitoring key biological processes underlying the relationship between human nutrition and health, and will provide important tools for assessing status and efficacy of interventions. Biomarkers are, in turn, required in the process of substantiating Article 14 health claims through evaluation by the European Food Safety Authority.
This call focuses on the identification and validation of biomarkers that are modulated by diet and that indicate a change in health status and/or the risk of developing diet-related diseases. Biomarkers of physical activity may be considered alongside diet.
In general, joint research proposals may be submitted by applicants working in universities (or other higher education institutions), non-university public research institutes, hospitals and other health care settings. Participation of private parties is encouraged as well as commercial companies, in particular small and medium-size enterprises. However, the eligibility of these organisations and institutions are subject to the national/regional regulations of the individual funding organisations and may therefore vary. Details of the national/regional eligibility criteria from individual funding organisations are provided in ANNEX 1 of the Guidelines for Applicants.
What for
The JPI HDHL aims to create an International Research Network on Biomarkers in Nutrition on Health (BioNH), it is therefore expected that funded project will be actively involved in relevant activities under the umbrella of the JPI HDHL (including workshops, conference, presentation at the Management Board of the JPI HDHL etc.).
What to request
Country | Funding Organisation | Acronym | Contribution in € |
Austria | Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy | BMWFW | €500.000 |
Belgium | Public service of Wallonia, Directorate-General Operational for Economy, Employment and Research | SPWDGO6 | €1.000.000 |
Canada | Canadian Institutes of Health Research | CIHR | CAD 1.500.000 |
Denmark | Innovation Fund Denmark | IFD | €1.000.000 |
France | French National Research Agency | ANR | €1.500.000 |
Germany | Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture represented by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food | BMEL/BLE | €500.000 |
Germany | Federal Ministry for Education and Research represented by the Project Management Agency in the German Aerospace Centre | BMBF/ DLR-PT |
€1.500.000 |
Ireland | Science Foundation Ireland | SFI | €500.000 |
Italy | Ministry of Education, University and Research | MIUR |
€500.000 |
Italy | Ministry of agricultural, food and forestry policies | MiPAAF | €150.000 |
The Netherlands |
The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development | ZonMw | €1.000.000 |
Poland | The National Centre for Research and Development | NCBR | €500.000 |
Romania | National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation | ANCSI | €300.000 |
Spain | National Institute of Health Carlos III | ISCIII | €500.000 |
Spain | Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness | MINECO | €700.000 |
Turkey* | The Scientific and Technological Research Council | TUBITAK | €700.000 |
United Kingdom |
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | BBSRC | €690.000 |
* Did not fund research projects in this call
When | What |
16th of February 2016 | Publication of the call |
19th of April 2016 | Submission deadline pre-proposals |
30th and 31th of May 2016 | SEC & CSC meeting pre-proposals |
3rd of June 2016 | Communication selection pre-proposals |
15th of July 2016 | Submission deadline full proposals |
30th of August 2016 | Deadline peer reviewers |
8th and 9th of September 2016 | SEC & CSC meeting full proposals |
End September | Final funding decision |
October 2016 | Start of national administrative procedures between partners and funding organisations |
December 2016 until the 31st of March 2017 the latest | Start projects |
The deadline has passed and it is no longer possible to submit an application
- Status:
- Closed
- Opening date:
- 16 February 2016
Call Secretariat: BLE (Germany)
Acronyms of funded projects
There are 12 funded projects