In 2014, the JPI HDHL launched a call to establish a European Nutritional Phenotype Assessment and Data Sharing Initiative (ENPADASI). ENPADASI started in December 2014 and ended in summer 2017.
Who can apply
Nutritional Phenotype Databases containing large amount of phenotypic data linked to genotypic and dietary and environmental patterns are necessary for nutrient-gene interactions studies and phenotypic change assessment. However, different national dietary or phenotype databases need to be merged into large, harmonised mega-databases in a standardised manner to increase their statistical power and provide better cross-border comparisons for identifying dietary and environmental patterns effects on health and disease outcomes. Only by operating at such a scale the understanding for the role of genes, nutrients and phenotypes in the initiation, development and progression of risk factors for diet-related chronic disease can be optimised.
The main objective of the ENPADASI Knowledge Hub (KH) was to deliver an open access research infrastructure containing data from a wide variety of nutritional studies, ranging from mechanistic/interventions to epidemiological studies including a multitude of phenotypic outcomes that facilitates integrated analyses.
The networking programme of ENPADASI focussed on three main areas of activities:
- Database development. Basic functions to share and analyse standardised data are already available. The ambition was to make ENPADASI the leading system for big-data storage assessment and sharing in nutritional research. Investments to develop the system encompassing new functions such as shared analysis modules, sharing of images, etc were required.
- Integrating existing databases in the ENPADASI. In order to make full use of the system, datasets from nationally and European funded research projects were linked.
- Training sessions for young researchers. Researchers were trained to learn how to work with the system.
Funding organisations participating in the JPI HDHL ENPADASI will fund new activities and/or redirect existing funding/capacities (i.e. an in-kind contribution) towards the needs of the Initiative. The nature of funding provided by each funding organisation and country is explained in detail in the National Requirements in ANNEX A. Each participating country will be responsible for deciding which of its national scientists are eligible to join the ENPADASI and the type (new or in-kind) and level of funding it makes available to its selected members.
What to request
Country | Acronym | Contribution in € |
Belgium (Wallonia) | F.R.S.-FNRS | |
Belgium (Flanders) | FWO | |
Denmark | DCSR | |
France | INSERM | |
Germany | BMELV/BLE | |
Ireland | DAFM | |
Italy | MIUR, Min. Health, MiPAAF | |
The Netherlands | ZonMw | |
Total committed budget | €1.600.000 + ca. €1.700.000 in kind |
When | What |
14th of June 2014 | Pre-announcement of ENPADASI on the 1st International Conference of JPI HDHL in The Hague, The Netherlands |
27th of January 2014 | Approval and signature if MoUs |
29th of January 2014 | Pre-announcement of the ENPADASI Call |
7th of February 2014 | Opening of the ENPADASI online submission system |
31st of March 2014 at 05:00 p.m. CET | Closing of the ENPADASI online submission system and start of the national evaluation and selection process |
14th of April 2014 | Approval of ENPADASI members by the SB and official appointment followed by an invitation of the selected members to the ENPADASI Networking Meeting |
13-14th of May 2014 | First JPI HDHL ENPASI Networking meeting and opening of the ENPADASI online system for submission of the JPI HDHL Programme Proposal, participation is mandatory |
1th of September 2014 at 05:00 p.m. CET | Deadline for Submission of the ENPADASI Programme Proposal, closure of the online submission system and start of the evaluation process by the EP |
13th of October 2014 | Evaluation Meeting of the EP (SB members will be present as observers) |
31st of October 2014 | Putative revision of the proposal and resubmission to the Chair of the SB if required |
7th of November 2014 | Funding Decision and start of national negotiation |
15st of December 2014 | Start of ENPADASI |
The deadline has passed and it is no longer possible to submit an application
- Opening date:
- 7 February 2014