In January 2021, the JPI HDHL launched STAMIFY, the 4th additional non-cofunded Joint Funding Action (JFA) implemented in the frame of the ERA-Net Cofund HDHL INTIMIC.
Who can apply
It is well recognized that there are major discrepancies between self-reported and device-based instruments or actual behavior when assessing diet and physical activity (incl. sedentary and sleep behavior). The same holds true when comparing self-reported intake of nutrients and/or foods with specific biomarkers. This may affect the credibility of the research outcomes of e.g. observational studies on diet, physical activity and disease occurrence. The integration of more than one tool/methodology to assess dietary intake and physical activity might represent the ideal strategy to improve the quality of this paramount information, in order to increase, in turn, the quality of any relevant health outcome evaluated in parallel. Further, the amount of data on biomarker/-metabolomics or physical activity that can be collected in large samples over extended periods of time (so-called big data) raises new scientific and societal challenges. With objective measurements, the quality of nutrition and lifestyle research will be increased and better recommendations and guidelines regarding diet and physical activity will be made.
The aim of this call is to encourage the development of improved methods and tools designed to assess and monitor diet and physical activity in order to help promote a healthier lifestyle.
In general, joint research proposals may be submitted by applicants working in universities or other higher education institutions, non-university public or private research institutions, hospitals and other health care settings, commercial companies (in particular small and medium-size enterprises) or other types of stakeholder organisations.
What for
The proposals should address at least one of the following topics:
- The development of improved methods for dietary assessment using new technologies, this can for example include ICT tools, unobtrusive data, food purchases, etc.;
- The further development of existing/identified biomarkers for food intake (e.g. combination of existing biomarkers to assess eating patterns and/or diet composition; validation of identified biomarkers taking into account influencing factors like gender, genotype or other individual variations);
- Identification of biomarkers of physical activities (also sedentary and sleep behavior) including the first step(s) of validation;
- Approaches to improve scientific application of commercially available devices for objective assessment of physical activity (also sedentary and sleep behavior) as well as develop approaches to process, aggregate and analyse such data in diverse populations;
- The development of integrative tools to assess and monitor both dietary intake and physical activity.
What to request
Country | Funding Organisation | Acronym | Contribution in € |
Austria | Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research represented by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG – Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft) |
BMBWF represented by FFG |
€400.000 |
Belgium | Research Foundation – Flanders | FWO | €200.000 |
Belgium* | The Fund for Scientific Research – FNRS |
F.R.S.–FNRS | €200.000 |
Czech Republic | Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports |
MSMT | €500.000 |
France | French National Research Agency | ANR | €1.500.000 |
Germany | Federal Ministry of Education and Research, represented by the Project Management Agency in the GermanAerospace Center |
BMBF represented by DLR |
€1.500.000 |
Germany | Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture represented by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food |
BMEL represented by BLE |
€500.000 |
Ireland | Health Research Board | HRB | €370.000 |
Latvia*a | Ministry of Education and Science | IZM | €150.000 |
Spain | Carlos III Health Institute | ISCIII |
€500.000 |
a This country/funding organisation is considered ‘underrepresented’ in this call. See ‘6.1. Eligibility’, p 6.
* Did not fund research projects in this call
When | What |
28th of January 2021 | Publication of the call |
31st of March 2021 | Submission deadline pre-proposals |
Beginning of June 2021 | Communication selection pre-proposals |
22nd of July 2021 | Submission deadline full proposals |
October 2021 | Announcement of the results |
November 2021 – April 2022* | Start projects |
*Deadline for the start of the project may vary depending on the funding organisations involved.
Please contact your national/regional funding organisations for more information.
- Opening date:
- 28 January 2021
Call Secretariat: ILVO (Belgium)
Acronyms of funded projects
There are 6 funded projects