Zoeken op HDHL
Biomarkers for Nutrition and Health (co-funded call)
In February 2016, 14 countries launched the first ERA-HDHL...
Food Processing for Health
In 2015 the JPI HDHL launched the Joint Action: Food Processing for Health. The funded...
In 2015 the JPI HDHL launched the Joint Action: Intestinal Microbiomics. The Joint Action funded 6 projects that started...
Nutrition and Cognitive Function
In 2015, the JPI HDHL launched the Joint Action: Nutrition and Cognitive Function...
PREcisE’s goal is to use longitudinal data from the pre-conceptional period up until adulthood to explore the life...
The human gut microbiota has been linked with incidence and progression of noncommunicable diseases and their...
Main objectives/results:
SA1- identification of effector proteins
- Effector analysis and selection from genome sequenced...
Genetic predisposition and general overnutrition are discussed as key factors in the development of non-alcoholic fatty...
Man is colonized immediately upon birth by environmental microbes of primarily maternal origin. Initial colonization and...
Obesity promotes Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases (NAFLD) through mechanisms involving the gut microbiota. From 2...
Today marks World Diabetes Day, a day dedicated to underscoring the need to address diabetes, a chronic condition that...
Six proposals are selected for funding under the recent NUTRIMMUNE call, receiving a total of € 5,9 million of funding...