ERA-HDHL was the first ERA-NET Cofund of HDHL. The ERA-NET ran for a period of six years, from February 2016 to January 2022. The first Joint Funding Activity of ERA-HDHL was to support research in the field of Biomarkers of Nutrition and Health cofunded with the European Commission. Its aim was to fund multidisciplinary transnational research consortia that used innovative and scientific approaches to increase knowledge on the development and validation of biomarkers for nutrition and health and to create a transnational network of researchers collaborating in these fields, well integrated at the international level. Five additional Joint Funding Activities were implemented based on the Implementation Plans of the HDHL. ERA-HDHL welcomed the participation of new funders, not belonging to ERA-HDHL consortium, and facilitated the collaboration between HDHL, FACCE JPI, and JPI OCEANS on nutrition and food security.
Management Framework

HDHL Bodies
Steering Committee and secretariats of the Management board, Scientific advisory board and Stakeholder advisory board.
European Commission (EC)
Coordination Unit (CU)
It is composed of a coordinator, a project manager and a financial and administrative officer, located at the French National Research Agency (ANR).
Network Steering Committee (NSC)
It is composed of one representative from each ERA-HDHL partner organization.
Executive Board (EB)
The Executive Board is composed of the Work package leaders and the Coordination Unit is the general executive body of the consortium. It oversees the timely execution of all work packages.
Call Steering Committee (CSC)
It is formed for each joint call and composed of those Network Steering Committee members taking part in the joint call (“variable geometry” principle), and additional partners outside the consortium which may join the calls.
Joint Call Secretariat
The Joint Call Secretariat serves as a central contact point for applicants, evaluators and funders involved in Joint Funding Activities.
Scientific Evaluation Committee (SEC)
Country | Funding Organisation | Abbreviation | Website |
Austria | Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research | BMBWF | |
Belgium | Public service of Wallonia, Directorate-General Operational for Economy, Employment and Research | SPW-DG06 | |
Canada | Canadian Institutes of Health Research | CIHR | |
Denmark | Innovation Fund Denmark | IFD | |
France | French National Research Agency | ANR | |
Germany |
Federal Office for Agriculture and Food Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture |
Ireland |
Science Foundation Ireland Dept. of Agriculture, Food & the Marine |
Italy |
Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies Ministry of University and Research |
The Netherlands | The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development | ZonMw | |
Poland | The National Centre for Research and Development | NCBR | |
Romania | National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation | ANCSI | |
Spain |
National Institute of Health Carlos III The State research Agency of Spain |
Turkey | The Scientific and Technological Research Council | TUBITAK | |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom Research Innovation | UKRI | |
Cofunded Call
Biomarkers for Nutrition and Health (BioNH, ERA-HDHL 2016)
Additional Call
Policy Evaluation Network (ERA-HDHL 2017)
Nutrition and the epigenome (ERA-HDHL 2018)
KH Food and Nutrition Security (ERA-HDHL 2019)
Food Hypersensitivities (ERA-HDHL 2021)
Publications and Deliverables
- Deliverable 7.2 'Statistical analysis of the first JFA results (PEN)'
- Deliverable 7.7 'Statistical analysis of the second JFA results (Nutrition & Epigenome)'
- Deliverable 7.9 'Statistical analysis of the third JFA results (KH FNS)'
- Deliverable 7.12 'Statistical analysis of the fourth JFA results (PREVNUT)'
- Deliverable 7.14 'Statistical analysis of the fift JFA results (FOOD_HYPERSENSE)'